'Too much whining', Pen on Paper
I think we can fall into the habit of complaining too much and sometimes it is practically impossible not to, In fact on further dissection of the words set to follow that statement that will become all the more clear. As essentially it is going to be me complaining about complaining, the irony of which is not lost on me yet I'll continue regardless as it doesn't make it any less true. The ability to complain about things is a God given right and one that we expend with wanton abandon for every minor inconvenience that we face. Sure sometimes it is justified as we are truly and undoubtedly hindered by the stupidity of someone or something, which is fine but there are times when we get upset by things that are nothing sort of a miraculous in the first place. What I'm referring to is what with all the amazing technological, cultural and social advancements that have come to pass in our lifetime and numerous others before that we are never content. We have created conveniences in our life that mean travelling across the world takes a few hours rather than a few years and involving most of the people who set out on the initial journey perishing along the way. It is a time when information is readily available at the touch of a few buttons rather than an exhaustive search through volumes of texts. Contacting someone is practically instant no matter whether they are a few metres away or a few hundred miles, essentially things have been made increasingly easy for us. This convenience we have created has brought a sense of entitlement we now feel that we deserve these things and to be without them is just plain nonsensical and absolutely abhorrent. When we lose signal during a phone call, we get delayed for a few hours on a runway or we lose internet connection our world comes to a stand still and we fall to our knees screaming 'Pourquoi?....' as the heavens open upon us and we curse whatever deity we happen to worship. No matter how seemingly important or significant these things may seem we are essentially bitching and moaning about a momentary lapse in something that would have once been inconceivable. We have an existence that is now cluttered with extravagances and luxuries and as I alluded to before once we become used to something it is difficult to live without it even though we've been doing fine up until now. I mean I know it's not easy but next time you get riled up about something like this take a few moments to consider that maybe even as little as a few years ago, you didn't have it this easy... well that and you whine too much.
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