'Burned Out', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
It's again gotten to a point were too many late nights, too many sleepless nights and too many long days in between have left me feeling anything but fresh. We often end up feeling like this and the mental and physical fatigue caused by burning ourself out leaves you in a strangely disorientated state, often times we even end up physically ill as well. The effect of this disorientated state is that even the simplest of tasks becomes a momentous uphill struggle as we are barely capable of processing thoughts, our motor skills and co-ordination has all but left us and the ability to string together a few words into a meaningful sentence has been replaced with a series of mumbles, murmurs and vaguely audible grunts. It is important that when we get this way that we realise that the only road to recovery starts with rest and recuperation, otherwise it become much more detrimental to our health as the days pass. One upside of getting this way though is just how revitalised and reborn we feel after recovering, it's almost as if we forgot what it was like to feel this way. The day has never been so fresh, the air has never been so crisp, life has never been so easy and the spring in your step has sprung you forth to conquer a world that only yesterday seemed to be baring down upon you with a weight so unfathomable you thought you might just explode... well you didn't explode, your're more together than ever and ready for anything.
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