'Son Of A Gun', Pen and Marker on Paper |
I've noticed that every so often things seem to get a little heavy with regards to the writing and subject matter, so it's always good to break things up with something a little more light hearted. I know I've spoke of it before, many a time in fact, about how the same series of words can be interpreted in other ways visually is highly intriguing to me. My reliance on idioms, homonyms and colloquialisms over the past few months though has sort of become of increasing importance as I find they are the perfect bridge between the image and the writing that accompanies it. The short title for each drawing immediately gives the impression of what today's drawing is about or why it came about. It helps create an understanding where in some places there may be slight confusion as to what exactly is the point of what is right in front of your eyes. With today's drawing it actually came about when thinking of another sketch that I never actually finished as I became distracted by a new train of thought. The issue was that although the concept vaguely fitted around the title of today, the image that was constantly in the back of my mind was something more in line with the drawing that I ended up doing today. While in some cases we have preconceived associations with a series of words, an occurrence, a sound or a taste it is something that can be easily disrupted. It's similar to that notion where something can go unnoticed for some time, however once you have seen it, it can then not be unseen. Once a new realisation comes around it is near impossible to focus on the old association or the original thought that you had. Instead you find that every time that you experience that same stimuli from now on you'll think of it in a completely different way.. well that is until something else comes along and alters your perceptions again.
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