'What a Waste', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
I believe I spoke before about how I am fascinated by the things that other people throw away and it has been a recurring theme in the drawings thus far to look at those objects that have been discarded or left in a space. Thinking about it recently I find that one of the reasons being is that there are a lot of unique elements to discarded waste. For a start no two conglomerations of clutter or rubbish are the same, this lends to an ever changing and every evolving collection of objects to analyse. A further thing I find when looking at this subject matter in terms of drawing is the stark contrasts in colours and textures which prove useful in honing certain drawing skills. Furthermore although it's not something that is conventionally aesthetic there is something inherently interesting that when romanticised enough it takes on a beauty of it's own. This is something you'll find with most drawing, painting, sculpture or art in general... a lot of times it's not about what you actually see but the reasons as to why it was decided that you should see it that make it interesting. Even the most bland of objects, the most obtuse motifs can take on a whole new meaning and become much more poignant with the addition of a few thoughtfully constructed words. I mean let's face it it's generally what I've done with every drawing so far, generate that element of whimsy and charm by assigning it the duty of representing something more and something that you can relate to. Perhaps this process of assigning meaning is unnecessary and then again perhaps without it things wouldn't have the same potency, for the meantime I find the writing process to be cathartic and it helps in my eyes to justify the choices for each drawing. Furthermore it provides some sort of narrative and indication as to how the project is ticking over so maybe it's importance far out weighs the thought that it may be a waste of my time that could be spent doing something else.
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