'Life's a gamble', Pen on a Betting slip |
As expected things took a turn for the perverse today with much hilarity and way too much imbibing in occurrence. I could shift the blame towards my brother for being a bad influence, however I do believe we are as bad as each other and together were much... much worse. Not content with being in the process of becoming quite drunk, I was also able to make matters more difficult by forgetting to bring a sketch book with me as well. Luckily being capable of great feats of ingenuity is a particular skill I have... in a somewhat limited capacity, more limited by my current state. However asking the barmaid for some paper and a pen was still well within my cognitive ability, I managed to scavenge the above betting slip which actually ended up quite fitting in the current circumstances. The reason being my brother was currently involved in gambling his money away on a poker machine, which brought about the above illustration, which I think could work well again as with the other illustrations as a t-shirt concept. Gambling is something that we all do and is not just restricted to the monetary form we often associate with the term. While in most case gambling involves betting with our money or possessions it can be a completely different beast all together. We may be taking a risk on an opportunity that presents itself, a friendly wager between friends for pride and honour or it could even be dicing with death as a daredevil and thrill seeker. Which ever way you look at it we are all liable to have gambled to some extent in our lives whether we realised it or not. In the case of my brother his penchant for a flutter is something that I admire greatly mostly due to the mantra that goes with it, something that he often announces.The particular motto I refer to is, 'it's shite or bust!', an all or nothing attitude where more often than not he comes up smelling of roses rather than the aforementioned faecal matter. The point to take from this is that life is in fact one long succession of gambles and it's important every once in a while to say, 'fuck it!... why not roll the dice'. Putting everything on the line gives us the the possibility of joyous success or complete ruin, it is up to us to chose the right time to risk it all but in any instance it can be just worth having a go.
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