'Gonna Skip this one out', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Pretty self explanatory today, after my exploits of recent days spent up home I realise that it's all been a bit much and it's time to take a brief notion from yesterday's entry and run with it, the notion being to take a break and allow myself to recover. It is important to recharge one's batteries from time to time or run the risk of burning out and becoming a drained emotionless husk incapable of physical exertion of any sort. As a result I'm gonna skip this one out and just spend some time this weekend vegetating in front the TV, take in a movie and have an early night. Although it's only a temporary fix as I'm destined to repeat the same behaviours and end up right back where I am now, the thing is taking a few days to recoup and regroup for future endeavours is exactly what the doctor would order. In a few days I'll be back to my effervescent self, refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to jump to it again.
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