'Disposable', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Every once in a while a series of events can bear down upon us leaving us with that feeling of being a little less than useful, a little disposable, the kind feeling where you question your worth in any given situation. We all can get like this and for the most part we attempt to put on a brave face and persevere, although it's difficult to avoid and when your on the other side looking in it's difficult not to notice. When you see that shift in someone's disposition it is not easy to find the right way to broach the situation and ensure you can deal with it in a tactful and respectful manner. It normally seems to be the case that we do our best to make light of the moment in a bid to raise their spirits or we try in vain to empathise citing that well worn out phrase, 'I know exactly how you feel', just before spending the time to explicate as to how the situation we were in was much worse. It's bizarre to me that in trying to help someone we end up putting the focus on ourselves which is either as we are trying to generate the illusion that we understand, possibly even to selflessly offer or own pain and weakness as a means of showing that things are not as bad as they seem or alternatively it's our own selfish why of making things all about us. I have much disdain for people that can be so incredulously self centred, unfortunately there is a very fine line between each of these behaviours so it may be that we inadvertently do this without meaning to. Thus we can end up seeming as though we believe that the world revolves around us, this of course is not the case as every one knows it actually revolves around the sun... which it just so happens shines out of our arse.
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