'Misunderstood', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Saw this in shop the other day and was a little perplexed as I'd always assumed that Dr Pepper was cherry flavoured, so was this a cherry flavoured cherry drink? After considering that for all of a few seconds I did what I would do with most gimmicky and seemingly appetising snack foods that cross your field of vision when traversing the local supermarket, I let curiosity get the better of me and picked it up. I don't know what it is about seeing something you've never seen before in any shop but It automatically causes that little voice at the back of your mind to softly scream 'I want'. The worst thing is that initially you went in for something specific that you really needed, before you know it you half way home with a bag full of mint flavoured caramels, caramel flavoured mints, beef flavoured ham and chocolate flavoured beef. Not only that but you have also completely forgotten to pick up that which you were meant to pick up in the first place, as you were distracted by all the gaudily irresistible sugar filled trash that had been cleverly and strategically placed all around the store. It would seem that we can sometimes misunderstand the potency of or own impulses and just how susceptible we are to the power of suggestion. I believe that it is the aforementioned curiosity that is at the heart of this as we are fascinated by the need to know. We need to know what your doing, where your going, where you've been, how your getting there, how we got here, how we didn't see that coming, how you didn't see that coming, we need to know what it's like, how it was and if you would have it again. Curiosity is one of those things that will constantly get the better of us as we can't bear to feel like were missing out, we like to be in the loop as not being in the loop means that we wouldn't understand... if we don't understand then how can we know?
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