Saturday, 5 February 2011

Day 36

'Conor' Pencil on Paper

Portraiture is something that I aim to make more prevalent over the coming weeks and months mostly as I see it as a way to highlight something that has had a great affect on me personally and also the actual work that I'm making... that being the people around me. There is something I've often consider when looking at the art work of other people or even the general creative things that people do, that being that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they express themselves creatively. A lot of the traits that make a person who they are can be seen in the style, tone, aesthetic and execution, on the back of this it is also important to consider that a lot of what makes a person the way they are is in response to a series of almost immeasurable moments, encounters, opportunities and stimuli that we come in contact with each day. I see then the people in my life all the close family, life long friends, casual acquaintances or those that are now only vague memories that interrupt my train of thought from time to time as a major influence in the work that I'm doing... or possibly haven't even begun to plan to do yet as that influence hasn't taken hold yet? don't want to dwell on that too long as I think the notion of time paradoxes may be a bit much for now.

If you think in the context of yourself and if ever you plan to do something that you see as important, something that you really want to accomplish or even something you have just done the first thing you do is tell someone. As you need reassurance that it was the right choice, you look for that pat on the back the acknowledgement that you have done a good job or in some cases that little bit of criticism you need to ensure that next time you do it better. We rely on the people around us to keep us give us that little bit of extra support especially when something backfires leaving us with that feeling that our get up and go, has just got up and gone. It is the people around me that make me want to ensure that I do carry through with this project, each time I bump into someone and they tell me they've been following the blog it gives that extra little bit of motivation I need to maintain focus. as a result I want to integrate these people into the blog as my way of showing that they are a major contributing factor to it's successes.

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