'The Inner Workings of a Day Dreamer', Pencil and Pen on Paper |
The above drawing came about after someone having looked through a sketchbook I'd been using for rough notes, scribbles, sketches and ideas passed comment on how seemingly disjointed and bizarrely my mind works. Actually thinking about it the thought behind today's 'draw' is not too far removed from something I mentioned yesterday, with regards to the notion that it is sometimes strange what logically connects one sentence to another. If you consider that a conversation much like a story has a beginning, a middle and an end and by knowing these we can understand the logical progression of that conversation. However if we take only the starting and end points of a conversation, completely ignoring the middle, you can end up having two significantly different themes and it becomes difficult to see how you actually got to that point. This is much the same as any ideas that we have as we know where the thought begins, the narrative of the idea and also where it ends, as such we have a full comprehension of what that thought process was. However if it was viewed by a second party without the narrative then it becomes a series of incoherent ramblings, much like when the person viewed my notebook. As they are my notes I can easily follow my train of thought even if many of the stopping off points seem a little out of the way. This notion is actually quite apt when thinking about this weeks drawings and how they existed on the blog without text until I was able to go back and update the posts at a later time. As although most of what I've been drawing is fairly straight forward and self-explanatory, there are those few occasions where things get a little left of field and it is in these instances that the text becomes almost as, if not more important the drawing itself... if only to give it some context.
Something else I wanted to mention is how at any given time there are an almost incomprehensible number of thoughts buzzing around our head and it would seem that the slightest stimuli, whether it be a word, an image, a sound or even a taste or smell can cause our mind to wander in a completely different direction. The way any of our minds work is utterly fascinating especially in that even if we were given the same set of stimuli how we come to a conclusion can be completely different each time... not only this but thinking in terms of a number of different people there are limitless possibilities as to any decided outcome. To put this another way if you gave 100 people a piece of paper, a pen and then asked them to draw a flower for instance, although what is drawn may be for the most part similar there will be subtle differences, there will be complete contrasts and there will be those that take it in a completely new direction.
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