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'I've Developed a bit of a Clutter', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Finally getting back to updating the text it's been a hectic week things have been up in the air, all over the show and I've been up to me eyes all week to blame but a few generalities for not having done this sooner. It's actually quite apt to be thinking about disorganisation as this is actually the reasoning for 'draw' 38, more specifically my tendency to allow clutter to build up where ever I happen to be spending most of my time. It strange though as I'm not a really fan of other peoples mess but I'm perfectly happy wallowing in my own filth, maybe it's because I'm lazy, maybe it's because I'm generally apathetic... or maybe it's because I feel comfortable that I know where my filths been. It's something I normally become increasingly more aware of over time but it's never until it reaches critical mass that I would even consider re-organising my possessions. I say re-organise as that's essentially all tidying is, it's much like the 'conservation of mass' in that the the volume of crap that you've accumulated isn't created or destroyed it's merely rearranged in space. Another thing I've found is that the chaotic clutter doesn't inhibit me from being able to find things on the contrary I seem to function better in it, being able to instantly recognise where things will be as I know that:
- Pens are located in drawers, on the desk, next to the sink, on the window sill, on the floor, under the sofa next to the door, hanging from the fridge, in pockets, in books, in nooks and crannies and pretty much where ever you look.
- Half empty Notebooks cover every square inch of desk space that is not taken up by empty bottles, cups, plates, cans and more pens.
- Wallet and keys are inside shoes.
- Hygiene products are every where but the kitchen sink.
- Clean clothes are on the floor.
- Dirty clothes are next to the clean clothes on the floor.
- The floor is nowhere to be seen.
The chaos then seems to be my very own filling system that only I can understand and navigate but it works so that's the main reason it doesn't bother me. Furthermore a thought that has always stayed with me ever since I first heard it...
"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign"
Albert Einstein
If it's good enough for Einstein it's good enough for me.
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