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'Son Of A Gun', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Day 150
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Day 149
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'The Weight is unbearable', Pen on Paper |
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Day 148
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'Snake', Pen on Paper |
Day 147
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'Use some force', Pen on Paper |
Friday, 27 May 2011
Day 146
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'On the Sauce'. Pen and Marker on Paper |
Whilst it is an uphill struggle to come through this kind of interaction what normally makes things worse is when that question is reciprocated by your old acquaintance, who then proceeds to rhyme of a list of their latest conquests making us feel microscopic in comparison. The thing is that no matter what it is that they tell you another person's life always appears more interesting than ours, when in fact they are in much the same boat as us. They still embellish ever little achievement, highlight all the positives whilst meanwhile polishing over all of the negatives. The problem is we're an enviable bunch so no matter how things are going we always assume that someone else has got it better, as such we covet those we believe to be successful. When on the other side of the looking glass they are doing exactly the same. So whilst it's always great to catch up, it is also the cause of so much uneasiness as we worry about appearing like a failure in front of someone that we were previously very close to. The important thing though to take from these encounters is to realise how little headway we have made since we last parted ways and use this as a means to drive us forward... that and to realise that we are all as full of shit as each other so the likely hood is what they are saying and doing is much the same as you.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Day 145
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'365 Draws', Pen and Brown Paper on Paper. |
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'New Logo Draft 25/05/11' |
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Day 144
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'A couple of loose... screws?', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Day 143
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'Cleanse one's Palette', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Day 142
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'Go for the Juggler', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Day 141
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'The End was Nigh' |
It was one of those things that I was not particularly au fait with until I overheard some people talking about it in the last few days and then saw some of the news reports on California's own Nostradamus Harold Camping, the man behind the not one but now two failed predictions of the end of the world, a man that was able to generate a massive influence on millions of people who then became devout followers. After reading some of these reports it is disturbing to see how those who were believers in Camping's so called 'teachings' reacted to their impending doom. Many of them quitting there jobs, selling there possessions and donating all their money to warning others of the oncoming rapture by purchasing billboards and advertising all in the name of Harold Camping. I've expressed some issues with religion before and while I can understand the need for some people to devote their lives to it, again it is things like this that show how easily it can be manipulated. To all of us whose train of thought is firmly placed within the realm of logic it is difficult to understand how people can actually get wrapped up in these things so easily but it happens. There is a mass hysteria that can come about by preying, forgive the unintended partially homophonic pun, on people's unflinching faith creating a destructive force capable of ruining peoples lives and the lives of those around them. Most of these people spent yesterday preparing like there was no tomorrow, the unfortunate truth being that it seems tomorrow will indeed come. What then happens for them next? after quitting their jobs, giving away their money, breaking off ties with friends and family that were non believers and devoting what was left of their lives to an event that failed to materialize. If the hand was on the other foot so to speak and the rapture did in fact occur I think whilst we may be have been red faced, possibly from the torrent of flames licking around us, we would have been able to put our hands up and say, 'well don't I look silly'. For some reason I fell though that it's possible that many of the 'believers' will still be unwavering, too stubbornly fervid in their convictions that some other recalculation will occur or some sign from god will explain the lack of bright flashes, the lack of millions floating to the heavens and the lack of smoten heathen carcases left behind to eternal torment. In saying this though there will still be those who must feel utterly dejected and it's going to be awkward to understand how to deal with their disappointment let alone console them... I mean it's not like you can use the usual tactic, 'ah... don't worry it's not like it's the end of the world'.
Day 140
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'Gonna Skip this one out', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Day 139
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'An Apple a day', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Day 138
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'If I had a Hammer', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Day 137
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'What a Waste', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Day 136
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'Flop', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Day 135
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'Best Bar none', Pen on Paper |
In the rapid scrawlings of drunkard you can make out the optics of the local bar where me, my family and friends would spend some of our time whenever I get the chance to make it home. There is something great about your local as it's one of those places that is never too busy, you get to catch up with familiar faces and there is a welcoming atmosphere that puts you at ease as you know your in good company. It is also fair to say that some of the most entertaining experiences we have are from sharing stories at our local, trading witty remarks and pithy comebacks as we do our best to one up each other through the medium of jest. Most of the times you spend there follow a familiar path and whilst normally we get frustrated by repetition and the fear of becoming stuck in our ways, in this case the familiarity is one that is comforting and one that is friendly. This atmosphere that we experience is second to none as we are welcomed but on the other side of the glass it is a distinctly different feeling that we recognise.
What I am referring to is those times when we happen to venture through the door of someone else's local to be greeted by the congregation of judging eyes peering right through to our very soul. Contrary to every thing that we feel when we are in our local this is the complete and unequivocal reverse of all of those feelings, never have we been so uncomfortable, so out of place and so unwanted. Whilst in our local we wait for that familiar phrase, 'It's your round', here we await that interrogative question, 'so where are you from?', never has there been a feeling of unease like just after this seemingly innocent and basic question is asked. Under normal circumstances it's fine but in someone else's domain, a place where you don't belong the sinister quality of such a question, when uttered by a pathological drinker who is more furniture than man due to the amount of time he spends frequenting this establishment, is enough to send shivers down your spine. It is in these situations that we keep things to a minimum whilst still trying to appear affable and maintain an air of calm so as to do our best to fit in. It may be that his inquisitive nature is really just him attempting to be friendly but when your in an unfamiliar place it's difficult to not assume the worst. I find it compelling how the conflicting polarity of these two situations can occur under one roof as a result of something as petty as, yet some how ultimately defining as the particular grid reference you happened to grow up in. Whilst it can be difficult to know how to judge these occurrences we always now that at the end of the day... well it's night... but also that no matter yet there's always a place where every body knows you name and they are indeed always glad you came.
Day 134
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'Indispensable', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Day 133
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'Life's a gamble', Pen on a Betting slip |
Day 132
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'Some change will do you good', Pen on Paper |
The next few days I envision the drawings are going to be fairly rapid as I went straight to an exhibit after work, hence this evening's quick sketch. I plan to be home for a few days as well, seen as I haven't been home since January, haven't not seen my brother since then either the likelihood is that I will spend much of my time in pubs for banter and bonding, which should prove interesting if not for the subject matter of the drawings then the adjoining blurb that accompanies it.
Anyway time to get back to the theme of today which came about as the friends I spent the evening with I have been speaking to recently and a common notion has raised its head. That being that we have either been discussing changes in our lives that have happened recently or changes that we would like to see happen soon. From changes in vocation, to changes of surroundings, to changes in the relationships that we have with those around us. We often crave change as they always say that a change can do you good, but recently I came to the conclusion that this is only to an extent. While change offers new possibilities, a new direction or even a new beginning it can also throw you completely off course. A sudden change can turn your whole existence upside down, leaving you unable to comprehend exactly how to fit all the pieces back together again. To me it seems there are two distinct types of change the unexpected and the predetermined, you would assume that the unexpected is the one that usually ends badly and the predetermined is the one that you are in full control of that can only end well... this again is not necessarily the case. All change has the capability of success and failure, it is all about how we embrace the change and bend it to our will so that we can make the best of it. It is important though not to fear change but as I see it rather than 'a change', it is 'some change' that will do you good. It is just trying to decipher which change offers the most opportunity and which will leave you stranded that is the problem, and also what is so exciting about trying to make a change.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Day 131
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'If it is broke try and fix it', Pen and Watercolour on Paper |
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Day 130
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'Joker of the Pack', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Monday, 9 May 2011
Day 129
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'Disposable', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Day 128
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'All under control', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Day 127
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'All Jacked up', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Friday, 6 May 2011
Day 126
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'Seemed Like an Idea', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Day 125
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'Call me Al', Pencil on Paper |
Day 124
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'Something I forgot to do', Pen and Marker on Paper |
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Day 123
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'One door closes', Pen on Paper |
"when one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us". (this variation is attributed to Alexander Graham Bell)
While normally the phrase is uttered as a means to maintain an air of optimism, in it's entirety the phrase has a slightly different meaning. It lends to highlight that in these moments when opportunity slips our grasp we tend to focus on the rued chance more than the new opportunity. The optimism that we so often speak of is seemingly lost on us then as we are to preoccupied with the door that has just been shut in our face. The result being that we tend to let a further opportunity pass us by and as the cyclical nature of the beast maintains once this opportunity is missed then another one is sure to raise its head. Things are then destined to follow this pattern, that is until the optimism that we allude to finally overwhelms and something gives just long enough for us to break the cycle and finally take advantage of a chance to do something different.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Day 122
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'Minimal gardening', Pen on Paper |
Monday, 2 May 2011
Day 121
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'Techno for an Answer, Pen on Paper' |
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