'The Right Key', Pen on Paper |
Just a quick drawing in relation to something I noticed recently, that being how we tend to hold on to keys long after they have failed to be of use. I have one on my key ring that is for a padlock that I haven't seen or used in about 4 years and would be hard pressed to even give you the general vicinity of where it resides. In fact in the house I'm currently sitting in there is a bunch of keys in a cupboard all of which are seemingly unique and of a number far greater than the number of doors in my actually house. For whatever reason as well I know that there useless but I don't think I'll ever throw them out instead they'll stay in a drawer somewhere for a few years undetected awaiting discovery, after which I'll spend the guts of 20 minutes trying them in every lock in my house as I try and figure out what the hell they're for. After finding out they serve absolutely no purpose I'll return them to the drawer from whence they came... just in case, leaving them to grow in mass until the next time they are discovered and the whole thing starts again.
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