'Kingfisher', Pen on Paper |
Got home from work and was coerced into heading out for a few hours for a beer, so took my sketchbook into the field to fit in a drawing while at the pub. The drawing my seem familiar mostly as I drew some beer bottles before but it fits in with the thoughts for today so you can forgive me for that. I find that we can be very easily swayed, well I definitely am, and we are liable to give in to the slightest bit of temptation. I've never been sure if it's because our curiosity generates that notion of 'what if I miss something epic', if its that we are worried about letting friends down or if our own sense of adventure leaves us unashamedly open to suggestion. Either way that you look at it it's often quite hard to say no especially as most of those last minute decisions to do something led to the more interesting experiences in our lives.
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