Hey folks! for those of you who know me cheers for looking this up, for those that don't know me my names Don Miller and welcome to the '365 Draws of the Year'.
The idea for this project is essentially due to the fact that since leaving Art College I haven't been making work on a regular basis, and coming up to New Year's rather than do what most people do and give up something that they know deep down they enjoy or begin something that they know deep down they're going to hate, I figured would it not be better to commit to something that I actually want to do? Hence I challenged my self to do at least one drawing a day for the entire year of 2011, not exactly a new concept by any stretch of the imagination but one which I see as challenging, most likely rewarding and hopefully quite attainable.
The Blog was a secondary thought, which explains why it took a few days before it appeared, the reason for it being that the main issue I faced was how to document my progress and I see the Blog as a good way for people to follow the development of the idea and also to hold me to account if I don't manage to remain committed all year. The aim will simply be to create at least one drawing each day for year to be posted on the Blog, hopefully on the day they are created, although this may sometimes be difficult as there are times when I'm without internet access. There is no particular theme for the drawings themselves so there may be some still life, landscapes, design sketches, illustrations pretty much what ever happens... happens. I have know idea what the eventual outcome will be yet and as the idea is still in it's early stages it's difficult to give it a fully defined outcome... but the initial notion was to exhibit the work in some form at the beginning of next year, but I will be keeping you up to date as the idea grows and evolves.
Thanks again and here's to a Cromulent 2011!
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